our clients

Our clients wish to understand what they can do to encourage more people to interview with them.

Pensions actuaries wish to understand how working for another company would be different from what they do now.

However, before deciding which companies to apply to, an estimated:

  • 70-100% of an individual’s perception typically comes from the recruiter they choose to work with
  • 0-30% comes from feedback they have heard from friends or colleagues
  • 0-5% comes from clients directly – typically via job ads and the odd LinkedIn post

We aim to work with clients, not just to source the best people for them, but to help them to become the employer of choice in a hugely competitive market.

We believe if more people could get a real sense of who you are, what it's like to work for you, your culture, your people & your diverse career opportunities before they start exploring the market, it's far more likely that you'll have the opportunity to meet them when they do.

Selling yourself once you meet someone for interview is one thing, but imagine if everyone knew why you are such a great business to work for before they even think about making a move.

We approach this from several angles, for example:

  • ‘USP’ assessment – are you demonstrating your selling points or simply stating them?
  • Job Specs – we know they don’t impress, so what can you use instead?
  • Variety of work – what does this actually mean, and how can you clearly demonstrate it?
  • Do you truly understand why pensions actuaries change jobs?
  • Are you trying to attract people (with both work and personal lives!) or just ‘Candidates’?
  • How does your hiring process really compare to your competitors?
  • What are your recent joiners saying (or not saying!) about you?
  • What are your recent leavers saying about you?

If you’d like to find out more, please get in touch.

“We have so much more to offer our
clients than great CVs.

If you're looking for a true partner,
speak to us .”